Uses of Rubber Bands

Three new pages were added that list Conditioning, Drills, and Stretching with Rubber Bands. Conditioning with Rubber Bands Drills with Rubber Bands Stretching with Rubber Bands

Hyperextended Jumps

Hyperextended Jumps are a result of a combination of characteristics: First the athlete must be dynamically flexible enough. This means they must be able to lift their legs up on their own. Doing straddle lifts, pike lifts,hurdler lifts, and leg lifts will help this....

Periodization Training

There are many theories on training athletes. I have adapted what I have research to our sport which is quite unique in that we are neither aerobic or anaerobic but both so we have to train double. Let me preface anything ele with this. You should workout al least...

How Fast Should I Condition

The quality of your conditioning is really important. Make sure you are breathing deeply as you condition and completely each portion of each exercise. I would connect the exercise to my breathing and relax between each rep as you exhale your breath this way you will...

Strength and Conditioning Resources

Resources For Strength and Conditioning Champions Strength and Fitness – Cory Sobas (614)-778-2397 Beyond the Body – Debbie Love Champions Sports Training (865)-454-2876 National Strength and...